Wimsey's Place

whare i talk about what itz like too liv with mi humin and the kranki kat.


Kaptin Terrier??

What i dont doo for mi humin. She insisted i dres up for some strange humin holiday called (i think) Holoween. She kept callin mi "Kaptain Terrier from planet K-9, or som sily thing...

I went along with it, becuz cheeze waz involved--and shi took me to mi favorite store 2 times in ONE day.

Yes, put that costume on mi, and be quik abot it!


trainin humins

Mi humin iz good 2 live with, & shee waz ez to train. (She thinks she trained mi, but it waz the other way arond.)

i taught her 2 play a game with mi that includs givin mi a little treet whenever i want (i like getting cheeze the best). i hav her ask mi 2 do somethin like sit or stay or whatever. When i do it, she gets all excited and makes mi toy click. Sometimz she forgets 2 mak the clicker click, and then i hav to do the trick again. When she finally notices, she clicks--and i get mi treet.

So far, i can get her to ask mi to sit, down, stay, stand, rollovr, dance, giv her 10, and (a reel crowd-pleezer) "be shy." Whenever i do that (it's putting my paw ovr my nose), even if she hasn't sed, "be shy," she laffs and gives mi a treet.

I even trained her to giv mi a treat when she leeves the house.


The Monster!

Last nite, I'm minding mi own biznes and returin home after going potti in the yard. Mi humin unhooked the leash i use to kepe her close and opens the garage door to let us in. The lite comes on and OHMIGOSH, the monstr from the woodz is inside, just bihind the door! He hissed; I yelled; mi human screemed.

The monster darted past us and ran into the woodz--with mi rite behind. I waz fast, reely fast. I cud of caut the monster, tooo, but mi human waz scared and she called mi back. I thot about pretnding I cudn't heer her, but when she sayz the majic words, there's cheeze involved. So i stopped and went back.

The monster got away. This time.