Kat explosion

Recently mi humin shovd the crazi kat into that greeen box. Shi doez this when she's goin to take the kat to The Place. Sometimz i go to The Place. I dont like goin, even tho the humins ther r nice. They put needls in mi, and poke mi. Mi humin sayz this iz r "docter," whatever that meens.
Welll, yesterdai the crazi kat went. Mi humin took mi too. The nice humin came in, and i waz veri hapy that she didn't tuch mi. Shi poked the kat, and the kat's eyez got big. Then shi picked up the kat--and the kat exploded. Fur waz flying; humins wer screemin; and the kat screemd louder than anyone.
finally, the kat jumpt into the greeen box, and the humins panted. The docter had blood on her face; mi humin's hand had blood comin out of it, to.
i cud hav told them that this kat waz capable of this.
when we kame home, the kat wanted to sit on mi humin's lap, and the humin let her. i think she's afraid of her.